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Black tight jeans with Champagne puff half sleeve top

Black tight jeans with Champagne puff half sleeve top
Black tight jeans with Champagne puff half sleeve top

At present, the most popular style for beauties is the simple matching, which reveals a little high profile in the simplicity. Today’s clothing design is not as simple as you imagined. Have you seen this beautiful woman in the picture? Its outfit is very simple. You must know that it is the most inconspicuous outfit in today’s society, because there are too many women who dress themselves up brightly. The advantage of simplicity is that it will be more in line with the current aesthetics and meet the requirements of women. Simple beauty is also a kind of beauty. Black tight jeans with Champagne puff half sleeve top

If you want to look simple and stylish, you must choose a tight-fitting style, and you must have a good figure. Wearing this style will not violate the sense of harmony at all. Loose-style clothes or beautiful women with bad physique will play a role. Oh, the opposite effect, maybe it will look very earthy. The seemingly simple match actually tests the basic conditions of the figure, and also the figure. Gorgeous clothes do not need these, because they are gorgeous enough. With or without temperament, it can show nobility.

Black tight jeans with Champagne puff half sleeve top
Black tight jeans with Champagne puff half sleeve top

The champagne-colored square-neck shirt gives people a gentle and advanced effect. Coupled with the element of the square neck, it can show the slender neck and collarbone of women. A jade necklace is worn by women, which is a kind of low-key nobility. The nobility is not obvious, the design of the square neck is very three-dimensional, the temperament of the person has been improved a lot, and the part of the shoulder and neck has also been improved.

How do girls with big hips and wide hips wear them? Champagne puff sleeve top with jeans, simple and attractive

Black tight jeans with Champagne puff half sleeve top
Black tight jeans with Champagne puff half sleeve top

The shoulder part of the top is puff sleeves, with a princess style, whether it is puff sleeves or fungus edge design, they are all age-reducing, and immediately reduce the age by about ten years, which makes people very sweet and lovely. The sleeves are tulle, which vaguely reveals some skin. It is very hazy and beautiful. It looks very fairy-like. The hem of the waist part is ruffled, which will set off the waist and create a small waist, which is proportional to the lower body. It can also work well.

If you don’t believe me, look, because the hem of the top is ruffled, and the lower body is slender, it will not give people the feeling of being too heavy on the upper body, and the proportion of the lower body is also coordinated. Jeans are very common, needless to say. Well, if you want to wear jeans out, the top is the key issue.

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