Antlers is an upcoming supernatural horror film directed by Scott Cooper. It follows a school teacher and her police officer brother in a small Oregon town, where they become convinced one of her students is harboring a supernatural creature. The film stars Keri Russell, Jesse Plemons, Jeremy T. Thomas, Graham Greene, Scott Haze, Rory Cochrane, and Amy Madigan. The screenplay, written by C. Henry Chaisson, Nick Antosca, and Cooper, was adapted from Antosca’s short story “The Quiet Boy”, originally published in Guernica magazine in January 2019.Antlers Full Movie in English.
After watching the trailer we can say that this is a good watchable movie. And the best thing is that now this movie is going to release on 29 October 2021. This movie has been pending for the last two years and now it will finally release. This movie will release in the theater so you can watch it in the theater. And for now, this movie will only release in the English language. Read below down all cast and crew members in detail. Antlers Full Movie in English.
Antlers Movie All Cast And Crew Member
Movie | Antlers |
Genre | Supernatural Horror |
Cast | Keri Russell Jesse Plemons Jeremy T. Thomas Graham Greene Scott Haze Rory Cochrane Amy Madigan |
Director | Scott Cooper |
Producer | Guillermo del Toro David S. Goyer J. Miles Dale |
Production Company | Phantom Four Double Dare You Productions |
Release Date | 29 October |
Release Platform | Theater |
Release Language | English |
- Keri Russell is playing the role as Julia Meadows.
- Katelyn Peterson is playing the role as young Julia Meadows.
- Jesse Plemons is playing the role as Paul Meadows.
- Jeremy T. Thomas is playing the role as Lucas Weaver.
- Graham Greene is playing the role as Warren Stokes.
- Scott Haze is playing the role as Frank Weaver.
- Rory Cochrane is playing the role as Dan Lecroy.
- Amy Madigan is playing the role as Principal Booth.
- Cody Davis is playing hte role as Clint.
- Sawyer Jones is playing the role as Aiden Weaver.
- Jake T. Roberts is playing hte role as a forensic officer.
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